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Our Comfort Dogs

Through Cameron, we learned all about how unresolved trauma can affect a person and the importance of therapeutic options. In these very challenging times for our world and community, we felt service dogs could help us pay it forward. We have partnered up with the New Haven Police Department to offer comfort and a friendly face by highly trained dogs specializing in trauma.

M E E T   F I N N

Finn is a yellow Labrador Retriever that was born on October 6th, 2019. He was rescued and trained by Forever in Our Hearts, another Connecticut-based Nonprofit Organization. Finn is a Highly Trained Service Dog recognized by the Americans with Disabilities Act. Finn is trained to assist individuals who suffer from PTSD, Anxiety, and other disorders as a result of being exposed to trauma. At the New Haven Police Department and in the greater New Haven community, Finn will assist with officer wellness, peer support, victim services, and community policing initiatives. Finn loves to eat and make new friends.

Instagram: @officerfinn_nhpd

Handler: Officer Patricia Lambe

M E E T   S U N N Y

Sunny is a yellow Labrador Retriever that was born on October 13th, 2021. He was rescued and trained by Forever in Our Hearts, another Connecticut-based Nonprofit Organization. Sunny is a Highly Trained Service Dog recognized by the Americans with Disabilities Act. Sunny is trained to assist individuals who suffer from PTSD, Anxiety, and other disorders as a result of being exposed to trauma. At the New Haven Police Department and in the greater New Haven community, Sunny will assist with officer wellness, peer support, victim services, and community policing initiatives. Sunny enjoys running, meeting new friends, and playing fetch.

Instagram: @officersunny_nhpd

Handler: Detective Christopher Boyle

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